5:02 AM PT • 6:02 AM MT • 7:02 AM CT • 8:02 AM EST
Leo season is nearly over, but not before we have ANOTHER full moon in Aquarius! It is rare to experience an astrological blue moon (two full moons within one zodiac season), but even more rare to experience both full moons in same sign. This is without a doubt Leo's way of going out with a bang.
On this last day of Leo season, we are being called to tap into that bright, confident Leo energy during this full moon. Virgo season is just around the corner, which will help us to plan and prepare for the final months of the year, so we're being encouraged to really celebrate ourselves and this last full moon of summer.
Although we have two consecutive full moons in Aquarius, this does not mean the energy will be the same. Last full moon, we were being called to do some deep work surrounding self-acceptance, confronting change, and living authentically. The energy felt heavy and likely brought up a lot of emotions for us all.
However, this full moon in Aquarius has a different type of energy in store for us. Think of these two full Aquarius moons as a cycle within itself. If the first full moon in Aquarius was the invitation for change, then this full moon in is the light at the end of the tunnel. This full moon shows us what could be possible if we followed through on changing and releasing.
Not only will it be lighter and more playful than the last, but it will encourage us to really grab hold of the confidence we need to tie up loose ends on themes that came up during the last full moon. We also have the energy of Jupiter on our side to give us a boost of optimism and luck!
Below is this full moon's tarot spread. Wishing you a beautiful full moon!

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