5:02 AM PT • 6:02 AM MT • 7:02 AM CT • 8:02 AM EST  Leo season is nearly over, but not before we have ANOTHER full moon in Aquarius! It is rare to experience an astrological blue moon (two full moons within one zodiac season), but even more rare to experience both full moons in same sign. This is without a doubt Leo's way of going out with a bang. On this last day of Leo season, we are being called to tap into that bright, confident Leo energy during this full moon. Virgo season is just around the corner, which will help us to plan and prepare for the final months of the year, so we're being encouraged to really celebrate...

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Wheel of the Year: LUGHNASADH

Lughnasadh is here which means it's the official beginning of the harvest season! It's a time when corn is ready to be cut and berries are ripe for the picking. What is Lughnasadh? Lughnasadh, or Lammas, marks the midpoint between the summer solstice and fall equinox. It is the final four of the Celtic fire festivals. The name Lughnasadh means "an assemby (nasad) of Lugh (Lugh)," a Celtic god who represents the sun and noble qualities. It marks the official start of the harvest season, and is the first of three harvest festivals (followed by Mabon and Samhain). Lammas and Lughnasadh are often used interchangeably, however, Lammas is a Christianized version of Lughnasadh that began in England. The name comes...

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7:36 PM PT • 8:36 PM MT • 9:36 PM CT • 10:36 PM EST We have just crossed the threshold into Leo season and following shortly behind is the full moon in Aquarius! This is the first of TWO full moons taking place in the sign of Aquarius occurring back to back. For this first full moon, it feels right to focus on self-acceptance and the balance between what we can change and what we need to release in order to show up authentically for ourselves and our community.   HONOR YOUR UNIQUENESS We all have qualities, quirks, and traits that make us uniquely us. Spend some time with yourself exploring who you are, how you present yourself to...

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11:39 AM PST • 12:39 PM MST • 1:39 PM CST • 2:39 PM EST Summer is here, Cancer season has arrived, Mercury has gone direct, and we're ending eclipse season with this Full Supermoon in Capricorn! The past few months have been rocky as far as astrology is concerned, and now we can take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy the summer The Full Supermoon in Capricorn is here to get us grounded, remind us of our intentions from the beginning of the year, and give us that final boost of confidence to finish what we started. Below are some things to keep in mind as we move through this last supermoon of the year. JANUARY'S NEW MOON INTENTIONS Think back to...

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Wheel of the Year - LITHA / MIDSUMMER

It's hard to believe that the summer solstice is here! Today marks the longest day and shortest night in the Northern Hemisphere.  What is Litha? Litha, or Midsummer, is the celebration of the summer solstice, the sun, and the Earth's abundance. It is typically celebrated between June 19th-23rd. The name "Litha" comes from the Old English Līþa, which was used to when referring to the months of June and July. History Midsummer is one of the oldest and most widely celebrated seasons across the world. Different cultures have celebrated the solstice for centuries, using it as a day to give thanks to the sun and sun gods for the warmth, light, and abundance it has brought throughout the year.  Celtic Traditions BONFIRES - Large bonfires were lit (often using oak...

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