This Super New Moon truly feels like a new beginning. It's the start of the first moon cycle since Samhain and one that brings deep healing with it. Scorpio is the sign of transformation, regeneration, and the life/death cycle. It's also a sign that brings a sense of curiosity, heightened intuition, and expansion along with it. Here are the highlights for this Super New Moon in Scorpio.
Now more than ever is the time to dig into your shadows and do the difficult work. This means shining the light into the darkest corners of your psyche and taking a hard look at what you see. These shadows may reveal themselves as harmful habits, thought patterns, cycles, or attitudes. They may also be any unresolved experiences, traumas, or anything else you've been emotionally avoiding. If you're feeling drawn to coming to terms with your own shadows, be prepared to be very honest and vulnerable with yourself. Shadow work is some of the most difficult work to do but is absolutely necessary in order to grow, heal, and transform.
Scorpio highlights regeneration and the life/death cycle of all things. Transformation is often messy and painful, but it's not all in vain. After a transformational period, one appears on the other side a stronger and more true version of themselves. Take note this New Moon of what has been holding you back (be it a job, relationship, or self-limiting beliefs) and what needs to be released in order for you to move through into your highest Self. Scorpio also inspires courage and bravery, so now more than ever is the time to heed the call.
Scorpio is a deeply emotional and intuitive sign. Especially during this Super New Moon, pay close attention to your intuition. Awakenings and revelations may be loud and clear during this time, so take note. Focus on what you truly desire. Whether you're feeling stuck and aren't sure how to take that next step or you have a revelation but aren't sure where to start, listen to and TRUST your intuition.
This is a first for me, but I felt called to create a tarot spread for this New Moon in Scorpio. For those of you who use tarot in your practice and who feel drawn to using this spread, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it! If you don't use tarot, these can still be used as journal prompts.

- What shadows need to be illuminated?
- What can help me to embrace my shadows?
- Where am I being called to transform?
- What needs to be released in order to transform?
- What do I need to do to step into my highest self?
- A message from highest self/ancestors/guides
Happy Super New Moon everyone
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