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Gemini: The Twins. When we think of Gemini, it's usually interpreted in the literal sense of having some other body acting as the other other half. This could be any pairing, be it platonic, romantic, or familial. It makes sense because Gemini energy is often seen as extroverted, social, and often craving deeper connections with others. But how often when you think of Gemini do you look to what is already within you? With this Super Full Moon in Gemini, I invite you to do some inner exploration. Go deeper. What is the other half of you? What are the two major pieces that make you who you are? This could be the conscious vs the subconscious. Maybe it's the...

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We've got quite an exciting alignment of events happening this full moon! This moon is a rare Blue Moon that is also falling on Halloween/Samhain. It is truly the season of the witch! The moon will be in Taurus, the true opposite of Scorpio, the current sun sign. Taurus is the Mother Earth archetype. She thrives on stability, practicality, materialism, and is highly ambitious when it comes to bringing in abundance. Scorpio is the archetype of the Witch, with her focus on the unseen and the Underworld. She also embraces change and recognizes that transformation is essential in order to step into one's highest power. This has no doubt been an incredibly tough year for us all. Our lives have...

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