3:08PM PT • 4:08PM MT • 5:08PM CT • 6:08PM ET
It’s the first full moon of 2023 and it’s coming to us in the cardinal water sign of the crab: Cancer. Cancer represents our emotions, intuition, empathy, and our more sensitive side. With this full moon, we are being given a chance to tend our subconscious, hold space for deep healing, and give ourself the extra nurturing we’ve been needing.
Full moons have a tendency to draw our emotions to the surface, and this will no doubt be the case during this sensitive Cancer full moon. Cancer wants you to believe that it's tough like it's hard exterior, but it's all a front to protect what lies within: a soft and sensitive interior. As tough emotions arise during this full moon, we will be encouraged to not shy away and instead hold space for them to be expressed. Take note of your needs and remember, both your emotions and your needs are valid. ONE MORE TIME: your emotions and your needs are valid.
Because this full moon is a time to tend to your emotional self, be aware of how you much of yourself you're giving to others. Chances are if you said 'yes' to every request or favor someone asked of you, you wouldn't have any energy left for yourself (and you probably wouldn't be very helpful for others either). Be mindful of your time + energy and know that it's okay to say no to others without guilt.
If holding space for your emotions or setting boundaries with others sounds scary, good! Let this inspire you to create or tend to your space(s) where you feel the safest. Cancer rules the hearth + home and all things related to creature comforts. Before you fully release your emotions, make sure you're doing so somewhere that feels cozy, inviting, and comforting. Wishing you a beautiful full moon in Cancer!

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